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MPC RAISED $23,700

The Metrolina Phoenician Club has a strong relationship with those in PCRF - Charlotte. The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund is the primary humanitarian organization in Palestine delivering crucial and life-saving medical relief and humanitarian aid to those who need it. Access to food, clean water, and healthcare is extremely limited inside Gaza right now. The MPC raised $24,700 for humanitarian aid for Gaza’s children amidst the unfolding crisis.

Dr. Ghassan and Rana Alkoutami

Wlias Arbid

Cynthia Aziz

Kelly Brais

Sandra Chakra

David Faris in Memory of Mohammad Faris

Alexis Haddad

Father Andreas Houpos

Sam and Jeff Howard Jr.

Dr. Emile and Azad Khuri

Bill and Sheila Laffoday

Rudolph and Lina Mazigi

Samer Nadra

St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church

Myriam Robitaille

Michael and Maureen Sabbagh

Mark Saleh

Charles and Mary Saleh

TJ, Diane, Shari, Jodi Solomon

Nada Tazi

Ghada Ternanni

Jamil Zaidan

With Gratitude,

The Metrolina Phoenician Club

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